Po is gearing up to become the spiritual leader of his Valley of Peace, but also needs someone to take his place as Dragon Warrior. As such, he will train a new kung fu practitioner for the spot and encounter a villain called the Chameleon who conjures villains from the past.

Kung Fu Panda 4 | 功夫熊貓 4
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功夫熊貓 4, Kung Fu Panda 4
Status: Completed Network: Universal Pictures Studio: DreamWorks Animation Released: Mar 08, 2024 Duration: 1h 34min Season: Season 04 Country: Chinese, US Type: Movie Episodes: 1 Fansub: H-Donghua Censor: Censored Director: Mike Mitchell Producers: DreamWorks Animation, Rebecca Huntley Released on:
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Synopsis Kung Fu Panda 4 | 功夫熊貓 4
Watch Kung Fu Panda 4 | 功夫熊貓 4
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