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Throne of Seal Episode 82 Full Review

Throne of Seal

Why did the Demon God Emperor reveal to Long Haochen that the demons were going to Dream Paradise?

Hey there! Have you caught up with the latest episode of Throne of Seal yet? It’s 82, and it’s been updated recently. One interesting thing that happened was the Demon God Emperor’s visit to the Moon Demon Palace. He revealed something to Long Haochen—that the Demons were planning to go to Dream Paradise. Surprisingly, he went to the extent of attacking Zhennan Pass just to make sure the demons could reach Dream Paradise, which was located in the territory of the human race and close to Zhennan. I hope you found this update interesting!

Long Haochen was taken aback upon hearing that the demons were planning to infiltrate Zhennan Pass and Dream Paradise. Although Long Haochen believed that his true identity was still a secret from the Demon God Emperor, the latter had already seen through his disguise and intentionally misled him. Instead of divulging the truth, the Demon God Emperor revealed the demons’ plan to attack Dream Paradise. The question that arises is: why did the Demon God Emperor choose to disclose this information to Long Haochen?

The Demon God Emperor’s decision to inform Long Haochen about the demons’ plan to attack Dream Paradise was likely motivated by his desire to have his two heirs compete against each other. This is due to the fact that the Demon God Emperor was already aware of Long Haochen’s lineage as the child of his daughter. Upon meeting Long Haochen, the Demon God Emperor selected him as his second-in-line successor.

Someone here may ask who the first heir is. This person is the Demon God Emperor’s son, Abao. Originally, Abao was the Demon God Emperor’s talent, top-notch, and very smart. He should inherit the Demon God Emperor’s position, but just because of Long Haochen’s appearance, the Demon God Emperor felt that Long Haochen was also qualified to inherit his position as the Demon God Emperor, so he designated Long Haochen as his successor.

Long Haochen went to the Moon Demon Palace, where the Demon God Emperor showed up not long after. Even though Long Haochen was disguised as a woman, the Emperor recognized him right away. The Emperor then decided to have Long Haochen and A Bao, who he sees as his potential heirs, compete with each other. To do this, he intentionally showed Long Haochen the dream paradise.

Long Haochen was listening carefully as the Demon God Emperor explained to him the dangerous situation that was brewing. The Demon God Emperor had orchestrated a plan to allow two demons, Yue Ye and Abao, to take the top ten Demon God Pillar heirs into the dream paradise. However, for this plan to work, the demons needed to conquer Zhennan Pass, which was controlled by humans. Long Haochen was worried because if the demons succeeded, it would put Zhennan Pass in danger.

Long Haochen realized that Zhennan Pass was in trouble and quickly headed back to the Human Sacred City. He informed the six hall masters that the demons were preparing to attack Zhennan Pass and enter Dream Paradise. But he couldn’t leave easily because he was afraid of the Demon God Emperor. So he waited until the Demon God Emperor left before leaving the Moon Demon Palace. With the help of Yue Ye, he returned safely to the human race. This incident became the focus of attention in the following days.

Long Haochen emerged victorious in the end. The next step is clear: when the Dream Paradise opens, both Long Haochen and Abao will enter it. They will either seek treasures or fight demons, and a battle between them is inevitable. This is exactly what the Demon God Emperor desires—to see which of his two successors is better suited for the current state of affairs.

Both Long Haochen and Abao are unaware of the Demon God Emperor’s intentions and are kept in the dark. As they prepare to meet and fight, the question arises as to who will emerge victorious in the end. In my personal opinion, the outcome is quite predictable: Long Haochen is likely to win. Although Abao is a strong and talented fighter, Long Haochen is the main character and is therefore expected to come out on top. Throne of Seal



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