Surprise Me!

Swallowing Star Official Released New Announcement

Swallowing Star

Swallowed Star urgently announced a Major event, but netizens ridiculed it.

The 103rd episode of “Swallowed Star” was released recently, and I’m sure many fans have already watched it. However, what surprised me was the officials’ sudden announcement of a major event shortly after the episode’s release. This incident has created a lot of discussion among netizens.



Swallowed Star urgently announced a significant event.

What was this major event that Swallowed Stars officially announced after episode 103? The great thing is that after “Swallowed Star” Animation Episode 104, super members(SVIP) can watch the episode. That means you can watch one episode in advance as long as you are a super member, but you can only watch one episode in advance a day.


I guess this arrangement may be related to anti-piracy, because you can only watch an episode one day in advance, so the general audience may not be so anxious. Most people will wait a day before watching. There is no need to worry too much about piracy. If you watch an episode a few days in advance, piracy may be rampant.



The creators of Swallowed Starry Sky show were concerned that their audience might not understand the show’s schedule. So they created a calendar that displays the number of episodes that super members can watch in advance. The calendar shows that only four episodes in total, namely episodes 104 to 107, are available in advance. This also means that even super members cannot always watch the Swallowed Star in advance.



It’s worth noting that the official discounts offered to special super members of Swallowed Star are limited. They can only watch four episodes in advance and can only watch one day in advance. Viewers should evaluate their situation and decide whether opening a super membership is suitable and cost-effective for them. If it’s not, they can naturally choose not to open it.



This cannot be altered.

After Swallowing Star made an official announcement about a major event, it caught the attention of many people. There are discussions about it on the internet and some netizens even left comments on the official Weibo of Swallowed Starry Sky. However, it seems like most netizens are not very interested in this event and many have even expressed their complaints about it.



Several media users have been wondering why Swallowed Star Animation has been providing exclusive early access to certain episodes only to their super members. Some people believe that this is unfair and have requested for the policy to be changed. Despite these concerns, the Swallowed Star official has stated that they will not alter their current policy of providing early access to their super members.



But, he was ridiculed by netizens

Swallowed Star Animation has recently confirmed that their super members have the privilege of watching an episode in advance, without any alteration. However, this announcement has been ridiculed by netizens soon after it was made public. The reason for this negative response is quite apparent. The policy seems to be unfriendly towards viewers who are not super members.

Several users have expressed skepticism about a new method that requires them to sign up for a super membership on a video platform to watch an episode in advance. They believe this is simply a ploy to extract more money from viewers. Some have also pointed out that this could create an unfair situation for non-members who may feel pressured to sign up for a membership, and then pay extra for a super membership.



Some social media users addressed the current state of anime. They noted that unlike in the past, when there were only a few anime series to watch, there are now numerous options available. For instance, there are popular series like “Against the Gods” and “The Land of Miracles” that have dominated the industry in recent years.

The YOUKU platform offers some amazing anime that can give tough competition to the TENCENT video platform. Some of the popular anime series on the platform are “Demon Hunter“, “Apotheosis” and “My Senior Brother is To Steady“. However, it appears that the decision has already been made and the officials at Swallowed Star are not willing to change it. We have no choice but to accept the current situation.

My advice is to enjoy any anime in moderation, including Swallowed Star.

So what do you think about this? Submit it in the comment section below. Don’t forget to join our Telegram channel for the latest updates. See you in another interesting article.


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