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Perfect World (Wanmei Shijie) Episode 142 Review

Perfect World 142

Shi Hao successfully refined the Golden Buddha Fruit, and Qingyi regained her strength by taking a bath before their battle. During the battle, Shi Hao pledged his loyalty to Qingyi and sacrificed his body for her.



Hey, Donghua fan, Perfect World Animation’s 142nd episode trailer has finally been updated. Shi Hao received the Pass Token from Qi Daolin and successfully arrived at Tianxian Academy’s Tribulation God Lotus Pond. The guy is smart. It not only shows refining the Shi Hao Golden Buddha Fruit but also greatly restores the scene of Qingyi bathing. She bumps into a peeping Shi Hao and gets into a fight with him. However, Shi Hao puts it down hard and agrees to marry her. Let’s briefly see what is going to happen here…


Shi Hao refines the Golden Buddha Fruit

The Divine Lotus that ends the persecution of Tianxian Academy is a very valuable item. It has the power to strengthen the body and improve one’s physical abilities. Even soaking in it can bring unexpected benefits. Shi Houfeng’s goal upon entering the academy was simple: he intended to use the Sorrowful Divine Lotus to refine the Golden Buddha Fruit he had obtained from the Bloody Plains. With this, he hopes to bring immunity to magic to an even higher level.



Based on the preview, Shi Hao leaped into the fairy pond and spotted the real Tribulation Divine Lotus. The sacred lotus was already mature and had a trunk as strong as a dragon, appearing like an ancient tree with a golden body. It looked very impressive, and the golden juice was dripping from it. Without hesitation, Shi Hao refined the golden Buddha fruit on the spot. Luckily, the Tribulation Divine Lotus was incredibly powerful, and it kept repairing Shi Hao’s physical body. In this way, he could successfully refine the Golden Buddha Fruit and learn the secret of magical immunity.



Qingyi bathing practice is highly restorative.

It is worth noting that the original work contained many memorable scenes of Shi Hao’s nightly journey to the Sorrowful God Lotus Immortal Pond. One such scene was Qingyi’s stumbling while he was taking a shower. Although I was hoping this scene would make it into the anime adaptation, the preview on the official website looks promising. It looks like they did a great job recreating the scene where Qingyi bathes in the fairy pool. She is depicted unclothed, revealing snow-white skin, stroking her long locks amid crystal petals and swirling water vapor. It’s like an exiled fairy come to earth, and it’s a truly breathtaking sight.



Fight with Shi Hao

Shi Hao was making a lot of noise refining the Golden Buddha Fruit, which caught Qingyi’s attention. This led Qingyi to discover that they were bathing together in the fairy pool. Naturally, Qingyi couldn’t stand this, so they declared Shi Hao their disciple, and a great war ensued.



Qingyi attempted to attack Shi Hao with her spiritual consciousness. However, Shi Hao had developed immunity against magical powers and was able to resist her attack. In response, Qingyi used her powerful magic, creating countless waves of water that advanced toward Shi Hao. Despite her efforts, Shi Hao’s magic was even stronger and he was able to easily neutralize Qingyi’s attack, successfully sealing it. Finally, using yellow energy, Shi Hao took control of Qingyi and brought her to his side without any resistance from her.



After suppressing Qingyi, Shi Hao observed her as she calmed down. By exhibiting his mastery of treasure skills during their battle, Qingyi could recognize Shi Hao’s true identity. Shi Hao openly admitted his identity and teased Qingyi once again. Based on their interactions, it was apparent that Shi Hao and Qingyi were very close to one another. As they walked together, they appeared quite intimate from behind, like newlyweds who had just reunited.



To compensate Qingyi, Shi Hao plans to pledge himself to her. This will restore a classic and famous scene where the two had a wedding in the lower realm. Now they meet again, both being hunted and unable to reveal their identities. They should support each other, and Shi Hao wants to renew his relationship with Qingyi. To test her, he made a promise and even hugged her, which was quite ambiguous. They are expected to have a close relationship, spreading love like crazy.



So, what’s your take on the sweet moment between Shi Hao and Qing Yi? I would love to hear your thoughts! Join our Telegram channel to leave a comment and share your opinion of everyone. I look forward to chatting with you there!


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