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Jade Dynasty Season 02 Review

Jade Dynasty Season 02 Review

The trailer for Season 2 of Jade Dynasty features Bi Yao and six new characters, but netizens are unhappy.


As far as I remember, it has been a long time since the first season of the Jade Dynasty (Zhu Xian) anime ended. But suddenly, fresh news about the Jade Dynasty anime surfaced from the official Weibo account yesterday. More precisely, there were rumors about the release of the second season of the Jade Dynasty. The animation company responsible for the Jade Dynasty recently unveiled a new trailer for the upcoming season, featuring several characters from the show. Without further ado, let’s take a look at it.



A new trailer for “Jade Dynasty Season 2” has been released, revealing Xiaofan’s beauty image.



The new trailer for Jade Dynasty Season 2, released by Yuntu Animation/ Cloud Art Animation, features a beautiful character named Bi Yao. She is a significant character in Jade Dynasty, but not human. She is a nine-tailed demon fox who can transform into a human form after years of practice. In her human form, she is incredibly beautiful, as seen in the trailer.

Bi Yao

Bi Yao


The official trailer of Jade Dynasty features a beautiful woman with long, white hair, long legs, and three dots of cinnabar between her eyebrows, making her look very attractive. However Bi Yao was supposed to wear a white dress, but in the anime, she wears black clothes. Perhaps it was done to create a clear contrast with Bi Yao’s white hair. Although the image of Bi Yao was released by Cloud Art Animation, this time is just the original painting design, I find it very well.

Outside the Jin clan altar

Outside the Jin clan altar


In the preview, six other individuals made an appearance.

The Jade Dynasty animation official has released images of six characters, besides Bi Yao. The six characters are Agodai, the leader of the fish people, the leader of the Mur tribe, the leader of the Jin tribe, the wizard of the Jin tribe, and the grand wizard of the Jin tribe.

Agodai is not considered handsome among them. His skin is rough and dark. He is an ordinary person from southern Xinjiang. The fish-man tribe has a long fishlike head and body. A man and tough guy, Mur, is the leader of the tribe. Tu Ma Gu, a clan under the leadership of a middle-aged man who dons luxurious attire, the Jin clan thrives. The Jinn clan wizard wears a mask, making it difficult to identify their gender. The last Jin Clan Grand Master was an old man with white hair, a white beard, and crutches.


leader of the clan

leader of the clan

Murloc leader

Murloc leader





Tu Ma Gu, the leader of the Jin clan

Tu Ma Gu, the leader of the Jin clan


Jin clan wizard

Jin clan wizard


Great Wizard of the Jinn Tribe

Grand Wizard of the Jinn Tribe


The netizens expressed their dissatisfaction.

Although Jade Dynasty Animation released a few characters in the new trailer for season 2, many fans were left unsatisfied. The reason for their dissatisfaction is that Lu Xueqi’s character is not in the trailer. Fans were hoping to see her in the trailer, but unfortunately, she didn’t make an appearance.



Some netizens said bluntly that even Bi Yao was included in the trailer, and she was so careful, but Lu Xueqi was nowhere to be seen. Now, is she not even included in the promotion? It seems that Lu Xueqi is not even the heroine in the second season of Jade Dynasty. Some netizens asked if you still remember a character named Lu Xueqi in the work Jade Dynasty. And does she also have a role in southern Xinjiang? Some people even bluntly said that the director just didn’t pay attention to Lu Xueqi.


Tianshui Jiuzhai

Tianshui Jiuzhai


In my personal opinion, the director of Jade Dynasty Animation has not yet released the character of Lu Xueqi, because the image of the character is still optimized and not finalized. We wait patiently.

That’s it for now. Your comments and feedback are welcome. See you soon with another interesting article.

Happy Donghua!



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